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🛠️ How to populate creator fields such as createdBy and updatedBy

The creator fields createdBy and updatedBy are removed from the REST API response by default. These 2 fields can be returned in the REST API by activating the populateCreatorFields parameter at the content-type level.

✏️ Note

The populateCreatorFields property is not available to the GraphQL API.

To add createdBy and updatedBy to the API response:

  1. Open the content-type schema.json file.

  2. Add "populateCreatorFields": true to the options object:

    "options": {
    "draftAndPublish": true,
    "populateCreatorFields": true
  3. Save the schema.json.

  4. Open the controller [collection-name].js file inside the corresponding API request.

  5. Add the following piece of code, and make sure you replace the [collection-name].js with proper collection name:

    'use strict';
    * [collection-name] controller
    const { createCoreController } = require('@strapi/strapi').factories;
    module.exports = createCoreController('api::[collection-name].[collection-name]', ({ strapi }) => ({
    async find(ctx) {
    // Calling the default core action
    const { data, meta } = await super.find(ctx);
    const query = strapi.db.query('api::[collection-name].[collection-name]');
    await Promise.all( (item, index) => {
    const foundItem = await query.findOne({
    where: {
    populate: ['createdBy', 'updatedBy'],

    data[index].attributes.createdBy = {
    firstname: foundItem.createdBy.firstname,
    lastname: foundItem.createdBy.lastname,
    data[index].attributes.updatedBy = {
    firstname: foundItem.updatedBy.firstname,
    lastname: foundItem.updatedBy.lastname,
    return { data, meta };

REST API requests using the populate parameter that include the createdBy or updatedBy fields will now populate these fields.